I was extremely pleased to hear today that the appeal for the planning application at 38 Oakwood Avenue has been refused. The proposed development is just outside Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown ward but backs on to the cattery on Riddlesdown Road.
The refusal of this appeal is excellent news for local residents and the appeal decision has potential to help us in objecting to future similar applications. Now that developers have worked out that they've saturated the market for flats (yes, I'm looking at you 4 Rectory Park) more recent proposals are to replace one home with up to 9 smaller houses, each on very small plots.
I was pleased to read the following in the conclusion as these points have been dismissed as subjective previously:
"I have found harm in relation to the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area and on neighbours’ living conditions. These harms would be long lasting and unlikely to diminish over time and as a consequence worthy of substantial weight that would outweigh the benefits associated with the proposed development."
Full details of the appeal can be found here: