I have for some weeks been raising concerns from residents who live in the odd numbered properties along Rectory Park about missed bin collections.
Whilst the bins for the even numbered properties have been emptied, those belonging to odd numbered properties have been left un-emptied for much of December.
Following further reports of missed bins yesterday I contacted the Director of the service who raised the issue with Veolia Management later in the morning.
I have now been advised the following by the Director:
“It looks like some round configuration has occurred and the road is split into two so a morning shift clears one side and the afternoon shift clears the other – Veolia are aware and are ensuring its cleared today, they will also check and monitor in the short term going forward to ensure its collected as scheduled. – I have asked for confirmation it’s completed so will keep an eye on it.”
I have also been informed that: “Due to driver and staff shortages the collections here are being undertaken by a relatively new collection crew. The Veolia Management Team are aware and closely monitoring the collections and will be addressing any operational issues.”
Residents are advised to leave their bins presented at the curtilage until they have been collected and to log missed collections with the Council within the two date time frame.
Please do get in touch should there be any problems with bin collections or reporting missed ones.