I have had a number of meetings with the Council over the last couple of weeks in my role as the Chair of Friends of Croham Hurst Woods. I was pleased to meet up with new Forestry Advisor to the Council to discuss how the Friends can help further to care for Croham Hurst Woods. I am really proud that since I started FCHWs way back in 2002 that we have contributed well over £30,000 for projects that have helped to transform the iconic Croham Hurst Woods. There have been many projects over the years but among them were
The removal of hectares of invasive holly bring light warmth and regeneration to the Hurst
With the support and help of the Downland Trust we recreated the meadow area shown on old maps and in summer it is now full of bees, butterflies and lizards and different wildflowers every year
My personal favourite was the restoration of the historic view from the top of the Hurst where once planes landing and taking off from Croydon Airport could be seen
i have also had a meeting with the Council discussing how the Friends could fund new signage on the perimeter of the Hurst and on the bridleway. This should help everyone to enjoy the SSSI Croham Hurst woods and hopefully prevent further damage to the surface that is very fragile in places.