As we all know, the Council's effective bankruptcy has forced the Labour Administration to make lots of cuts to the essential services which in normal times we take for granted, such as cutting grass verges (& Rotary Field), and library services.
Earlier this year, there was a proposal to close five libraries across the Borough including Sanderstead (though not Purley). This met with such a huge outcry that Labour have backed down and miraculously found some money in the CIL (development) fund which, they claim, means that they don't need to make such huge savings.
Phase two of the consultation now offers three choices
- a reduction in overall library hours by 21%
- to hand over the running of all libraries to an independent community-run organisation
- to operate some sort of hybrid of the first two options.
Full details of the consultation are here: , and I'm pleased that it's included a roadshow at Purley library, so that local residents could attend and ask questions of the helpful officers who were on hand.
You can respond to the consultation online via the Council website, or you can obtain a paper copy of the survey from [email protected] , and return it to the Council by 21/7/2021.