Earlier this week, Cllr Gayle Gander and Cllr Ola Kolade joined tenancy officers, a repairs manager, a woodland officer and importantly several residents for a 3 hour walkabout Croftleigh Estate in Kenley.
We inspected every block, the woodlands around the estate as well as flats that residents invited us into. Officers noted 68 repairs which have been submitted to Axis with a request to return the form no later than 22nd March with full dates of repairs. Officers will then inspect the blocks to ensure that the repairs have been carried out. We also reported several instances of mould directly to the Damp & Mould team.
Inspections will now be carried out on the estate on a quarterly basis.
Both Ola and I were pleased to be able to spend so much time on the estate talking with officers on improvements and we look forward to an update on the 68 repairs noted above.
UPDATE - 19 March 2023
Tenancy officers have submitted an action plan. Most of the remedial actions will take place the week starting 19th March, with some larger interventions such as pigeon netting being resolved in the next 8 weeks.