At the end of last year, it was great to pop into St David's School on Woodcote Valley Road in Purley, along with Cllr Samir Dwesar representing the Purley and Woodcote ward councillors, to discuss their road safety concerns with the Headteacher and pupils.
At present, pupils, staff and parents of St David’s School do not feel safe crossing outside the school, as a result of traffic. The location of the school fields also means that multiple classes must walk across each day. Sadly injuries have already occurred and the current situation disincentivises active travel to school. The existing traffic calming measures are clearly insufficient.
The children had many fantastic ideas to make the road outside their school safer, and have been designing posters to raise awareness too, with the winning designs shown below.
So, alongside Purley and Woodcote ward councillors, Simon Brew, Samir Dwesar and Holly Ramsey, we have put together a petition to ask Croydon Council to take urgent action to tackle road safety concerns near the school on Woodcote Valley Road, Purley.
This includes the implementation of a zebra crossing as well as consideration of other measures, including chicanes, new speed awareness signage, speed sensors for data collection and width restrictors.
If you agree we must protect schoolchildren in Purley, please do sign our petition at: