An extremely large and unattractive mast has appeared in Hamsey Green on the grass verge outside the shops. Whilst we understood that the mast would be replaced to give 5G transmission I don't really think it was fully appreciated by residents the impact on the area. As councillors we didn't receive any objections from residents when the application was posted over the siting. Many more of these are to be replaced thoughout the borough.
The full application consists of: Installation of a 20 metre multi-operator monopole supporting 12 no antenna apertures, together with the installation of 9 ground-based cabinets, following the removal of the existing 11.7m single-operator monopole and 4 cabinets. at: MBNL Telecomms Streetworks Mast, O/S 338-350 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9BX.
Coupled with this they have now installed some very large bollards which didn't appear on the plan. I have checked with the planning department to see if this is permitted.
The whole place is looking a bit of a disaster zone since last week the burst water main outside the Panahar has led to the verge the other end being dug up and left in a bit of a state.
This is all very disappointing given that we recently had some lovely trees planted on the verge to improve the outlook for the shops. Sadly, it is all looking like a bomb site.
I am in touch with officers to see what we can do to improve matters.