The Planning Inspectorate has upheld the decision by Croydon Council to refuse planning permission for the ‘Demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of 4 x 2-3 storey terrace dwellings, with associated car parking provision (accessible from Ravens Wold), external lift to the car park and landscaping. at 3 Park Road Kenley CR8 5AS’ (22/03280/FUL).
The Inspectorate dismissed the appeal on the following grounds:
Character and appearance: "I conclude that the proposal would significantly harm the character and appearance of the area. It would conflict with policy D3 of the London Plan 2021 and policies SP4 and DM10 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018."
Pedestrian and Vehicular Access: "I conclude that the proposed development demonstrates that it would afford future occupiers with sufficient and suitable pedestrian, wheelchair and vehicular access, and that the site can be accessed by service vehicles without hindrance. It would not conflict with policies T4, T5 or T6 of the London Plan 2021 nor policies SP8, DM13, DM29 or DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018."
Benefits, Planning Balance and Conclusion: "I have identified significant harm to the character and appearance of the area. I have weighed this harm against the benefits of the scheme but the benefits do not outweigh that harm. I find that the proposal would not be in accordance with the Development Plan as a whole; it would conflict with some key policies."
The full decision can be seen in the pdf below or on the Planning Inspectorate’s website, appeal ref: Appeal Ref: APP/L5240/W/23/3326780