Today, we have published the Penn report - the investigation commissioned through the LGA and conducted by Richard Penn, into the reasons for Croydon’s financial collapse. The report looks at the actions taken by those in power at the time, and makes recommendations about what further action might be taken to hold those responsible to account.
You can read the report by clicking HERE.
I know many residents share my anger and upset at what has happened to our Council, and the way that those who held positions of trust badly let our Borough down. Publishing the Penn report and being open and honest with our communities about what happened here in Croydon, is an important milestone in our journey to rebuild their trust in us.
The next step will be for the committee to consider the report in conjunction with the Kroll investigation and decide what actions we might take to hold those responsible to account. I hope this will help to close this regrettable chapter of Croydon’s history so that together we can move on and focus on restoring pride in our borough.
Thank you all for your support.
Jason Perry
Mayor of Croydon