I had referred the Brick by Brick application to build an ugly 3 storey block of flats on the grassed area of the current block at 279-289 Selsdon road. It was an appalling application that would have removed garages, amenity space, washing line and much more. It would leave the current residents with a huge building in their face wedged between their homes and the railway line. The deferred application was to come back to Planning Committee for decision last Thursday. I was astonished and angry that Brick by Brick would bring this application back for decision. We have all read the dreadful details of this Council owned company and it is currently under review. While I am very pleased it was withdrawn on the day it may be heard on another date.
It is time that Brick by Brick officially withdrawn this application and remove the anxiety caused by this planning application to the current residents of 279-289 Selsdon road and the residents of Sunny Nook Ave and Selsdon Ave.