I was pleased to be able to attend the ‘Can you C Me?’ - Croydon Cancer Conference today. As Vice Chairman of the South East Cancer Help Centre I was delighted to see they had an opportunity to have a stand and offer support to residents in the borough affected by cancer.
This conference, in particular aims to address the racial disparities within cancer support and gives voices to marginalised communities with the importance of equality in healthcare.
Mayor Jason Perry had the opportunity to speak at the conference and offer his appreciation and unwavering support and dedication to this cause.
My thanks to all who participated in the conference. The life stories told by so many residents were particularly moving and I know that the organisations present from St Christopher's to Macmillan along with the SECHC in Purley are a lifeline for those needing support at a difficult time.
Well done Andrew Brown from the BME Forum and all involved in putting this together.