Many residents will remember that despite huge objections to a block of flats replacing a family house at 56 West Hill the former Labour Administration pushed it through. I referred this application and spoke against in 2021. At that time the Labour Administration had the majority on Planning Committee and used it to approve so many inappropriate blocks of flats in the south of the borough
Residents got together to fund a legal fight on restrictive covenants that operate as an independent system and it is the courts that adjudicate covenants not the Council.
it was really disappointing to see 56 West Hill demolished in the last few weeks.
While the residents have won their case in the courts and were awarded costs the claimants covenant only covered 444 Selsdon road even though the covenant covers 444 Selsdon road and 56 West Hill
The residents are going back to court with claimants whose covenant cover 56 West Hill
Fingers crossed that this block of flats can be stopped even at this stage.