Amongst the myriad of issues that local residents raised when Brick by Brick, the Labour Council's own developer, first applied to build over the green space in Montpelier Road, was the loss of the well-lit, direct footpath that linked Kingsdown Avenue to Montpelier Road. During the never ending build, the footpath was blocked off and local residents have had a very long way round to walk around the building site. Theoretically the build is now complete, and there are many sold signs despite the development not meeting the conditions of the planning approval.
Meanwhile, the Labour Council, always keen to hang on the coat tails of the latest fashionable cause, has in recent months been trumpeting the safety of women and girls. The truth is that females are constantly risk assessing and avoiding situations that put them at risk. So it's disappointing that the Labour Council has allowed it's own builder to develop this site with now one path that is impassable and even if it was cleared it takes such zig-zag path you wouldn't be able to see the end of it, and one footpath that has zero lighting.
Having been so rudely patronised by the the Leader of the Council earlier this year when raising the safety of women and girls, and then hearing the Labour Cabinet blame Conservatives for the Council's failures because we have not personally notified the Cabinet of each and every failure, I raised the issue of these footpaths with Cllr Ali, the Council Leader. I did that on 7 November and it took until 26th to receive a response from officers:
"Unfortunately the problems arose when Brick By Brick developed the site and diverted the original footpath.
I have had meetings with the builder and have a meeting arranged with someone from Brick By Brick next week to try and resolve the issues on site.
The developers were supposed to re-direct and relight the original footpath as part of the project and unfortunately this was never completed.
The second path is not a public right of way so is a little more complicated.
Unfortunately the area in question falls under Brick By Brick at this time. We need them to fund the completion of the works so that we can then bring the lighting back into the PFI contract and maintain it again.
Hopefully after my meeting on Thursday we can find a way forward and I can instruct our Street lighting Contractor to carry out the work required to get the footpath back in light".
This development was due to be completed by the end of 2019. I wonder how far into 2022 the remaining issues will take to be resolved.