Last week the Safer Neighbourhood Team held their regular meeting at St Matthews in Chichester Road.
Items included reviewing the current priorities of:
- Protection of women / school children
- Thefts from Vehicles
- Monthly reporting
As well as a report from the local policing team.
I also provided an update which can be found below. One new point that has included and raised with me recently has been lighting in Parks. As winter approaches I'm very keen we work together to ensure the community is safe for everyone and I'll be speaking to the local policing team further on this.
"Graffiti - this seems to have reduced but any incidents please do let me know and I can follow up. The council will not provide the equipment for community teams to do themselves which is unfortunate.
Fires in Park Hill Park - MPS Park Hill have been following up on illegal fires in the park and I have requested increased signage from the council. David from MPS Park Hill has followed up with increased patrols and with the Friends groups direct.
Park Hill Infants - the offensive graffiti has been removed and I am pressing officers on keeping the area clear of rubbish. School has been updated direct.
Speeding - MPS have followed up diligently and speed checks have been taking place on Radcliffe Road and others.
Safety - friends of Lloyd Park have raised with me the path running round the side of the tennis court from the tram stop, I've spoken to tfl and they say the land falls under the council - unfortunately the council say funding is not possible for lighting and they have concerns about affect on wildlife. Increased patrols would be appreciated.
Women's safety - I was going to raise tonight Croydon signing up the the womens safety charter which has been created by City Hall. The BID has signed up but not Croydon direct.
Darker nights - trick and treating and illegal fireworks. It was good to see the social media information about this locally from the MPS Croydon office - something to be aware of.
Leaves - I am pressing the council for effective removal throughout the ward to keep the streets accessible and prevent flooding."