Today we spent a hard days work clearing up all the leaves and debris from the library grounds. We also managed to remove much of the ivy damaging the wall. Many residents had been in touch stating that the library steps were dangerous because they hadn't been swept and it was good to hear passers by thank us for all our work. Also the brambles in the corner of the library had grown over the wall onto the pavement and around the electrical boxes on the street. Much of this was removed and cut back at the root.
It all looks much cleaner and of course safer for residents. We are grateful to Bosch who on hearing that the council were bankrupt gave the SRA a lawn mower and strimmer to help with the work. Since the bankruptcy many of our green spaces and grounds have been neglected with the council gardening staff much reduced and unable to cope with the maintenance.
We can help where we can but of course the magnitude of the work to be done is immense.
There is also significant damage to the fabric of the building from ivy that has got into the rendering on the walls. We hope that the council will repair the brickwork.