Residents and walkers in Croham Hurst Woods have notified me quite a few times of trail bikes in the Hurst endangering walkers, children and dogs. I have seen them myself racing along Selsdon rd and entering Croham Hurst woods. It generally happens at weekends or during the school holidays. The bike riders are young early to mid teens and I think live locally. The surface of the Hurst on the top is very fragile and was beginning to recover from the much increased footfall during Lockdowns and cycling that is not permitted anywhere except on one path the bridleway that runs alongside the golf course, Damage from the trial bikes has set the recovery back. I’m sure these young riders are enjoying the excitement and have little idea of the damage they are causing to a much loved local treasure. I hope if anyone at home or school knows these young men they could explain that Croham Hurst Woods or local roads are not for trial bikes and direct them to a safe place.