I was pleased to listen to the views of the residents of Sanderstead in respect of the library consultation. Many residents had good ideas to support the professional library service. It was good to have an officer on hand to help residents with their many questions. Ex councillor Stuart Sexton said he was at the planting of the beech tree in 1938 and couldn't believe how large it now was - I guess it would be quite big now 80 years old. The WI also attended and explained how they were helping with the rose garden along with another volunteer who had been helping some elderly residents with IT issues such as access the council website for missed bin collections, etc. There was a real community spirit. Cllr Helen Redfern and Heather Lindsay, Chair of the Sanderstead Residents' Association were also in attendance and listened intently given their important role in the community and the fact that the ward of Riddlesdown and Purley Oaks doesn't have a library facility so residents from her ward rely on this for many services not just borrowing books.