We have been advised by the Council's licensing team about an event that is planned in Addington Park on 14th and 15th August from 12:00 to 22:00. The Garage Nation event will involve 'Supply of Alcohol, Provision of Films, Live Music, Recorded Music, Performance of Dance, and Provision of anything of similar description to live music, recorded music or performance of dance.' The Council is currently deciding whether to provide a licence for this event.
Local residents are understandably concerned about this, so I have raised some questions with the Council. Here are the questions with the council responses:
- What policing is in place?
This question would need to be directed to the police. Whilst this has been discussed, the details would need to be disclosed by the Metropolitan Police
- What measures have been put in place to prevent criminal activity, and to keep ticket holders and local residents safe?
There are a number of measures built into the event safety management plan, including the amount of security (both people and physical structures), also searches and other forms of detection. The plan has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Police and the Council’s safety partners.
- What is the profile of the expected audience? What particular issues are presented by this type of audience?
The organisers expect a 50/50 gender split with ages ranging from 18 up to 50. The event will operate a strict over 18s policy. The event safety management plan, security plans and other documents have risks and controls identified.
- How will the organisers prevent people from parking in the local area in places that are not permitted?
Due to the nature of the event is expected attendees will make use of public transport. The organisers will ensure that communication to the public clearly states there is no parking available on site or in the immediate area.
- What measures are in place to ‘make good’ the park after the event?
Council officers undertake site visits take place before and after the event. The organisers pay a grounds maintenance deposit before the event and should any “repairs” be required this is taken from the deposit.
- How will local park users be advised of this event?
Signage will be prominently displayed in the park prior to the event
- How will you prevent anti-social behaviour from spilling over into the local area, much of which is a conservation area?
A post event plan is expected to be in place.
- What contribution are the organisers making to the Council in return for the use of the park? How much of that will be spent on the park, and making good?
The organisers pay a hire fee for the use of the park, for this larger scale event we will charge per ticket sold. For this event we are anticipating an income of £16,000.
Additionally as mentioned above there is a grounds maintenance deposit paid and should any “repairs” be required this is taken from the deposit.
The Council says communication is ongoing with the organisers. They are currently considering the best way to communicate with the residents. There will be a letter drop but they are looking at the best way to have a Q&A session.
If you have any more questions about this event please get in touch. The application for an event license has not yet been granted.