I raised objections in respect of the above application for the demolition of the house and the erection of a three storey building with accommodation in the roof comprising 8 flats, provision of new access, 7 parking spaces, refuse store, cycle parking and landscaping.
Whilst there was much to commend in the application with the gable roof, features in the windows and the brick building which was in keeping with other properties in the road the fact of the matter was it was just too large for the plot. There was no play space and inadequate refuse storage. There was a lack of evidence to support the impact on the biodiversity and ecology and of more importance the impact on no 16 Brambledown Road.. The building would have been extremely dominant and overbearing and would have greatly impacted on the rear habitable rooms, as well as affecting their daylight. Pedestrian access and manoeuvring as well as access within the site would have been difficult along with the lack of cycle parking.
The full details can be found on the Council Website.
I am pleased that the application was refused.