You may be aware of the below planning application for Woodcote Valley Road. I am writing to let you know that the application is being heard by the Planning Committee on: Thursday 8 April. The meeting starts at 6pm and will be held virtually.
Re: 20/04952/FUL
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a three storey building with roof accommodation comprising 8 flats with associated car parking, bike store, refuse store and landscaping.
131 Woodcote Valley Road Purley CR8 3BN
In essence my concerns are:
- The proposal for the development of a four-storey block hosting 8 flats would be a significant overdevelopment of this site due to its size, height, footprint, density, bulk and massing and would be detrimental to the street scene
- The scheme fails to respect the character of the two-storey traditional design detached and semi-detached properties in the immediate area
- The scale, design and siting would be out of keeping with the character of the locality and detrimental to the visual amenity of the street scene
- By extending 11m further into the back garden than adjacent properties, the scheme would detrimentally interrupt the rhythm of the rear building line/built environment in this area
- There would be a detrimental impact on the amenities of adjoining occupiers due to overlooking and loss of light and privacy
- Lack of parking provision for residents and visitors in this low (1A) PTAL rated site
- Highways safety issues – poor visibility – around entering and exiting the site
- Concreting over of garden space and the loss of natural vegetation and natural habitat
If you share my concerns and haven’t commented to date then you can still do so up until the decision date via the Council’s website at…/comment-or-object-planning…