Thanks to the team who collected these bags of litter this morning. As life returns to our High Street it is great to have clean, litter-free pavements and grass verges to welcome back customers.
Let’s try and keep it that way. Here’s what you can do to help:-
- The “big belly” bin next to the seat in the patch of grass outside Sainsburys is not working. I am hoping that the defective bin will be replaced shortly but, in the meantime, would everyone please use the similar bin a few yards away at the bus stop.
- The largest single item of litter is cigarette butts. Would smokers please use the bins wherever possible.
- When flytips occur, report them to the Council using the LoveCleanStreets App. Flytips should be picked up within a couple of working days. If that does not happen, please get in touch with your local Councillor.
- If your area has a litter problem, the Council can help by supplying the equipment for residents to organise a litter pick.
Times were already tough for our local High Street businesses even before the pandemic. As restrictions are relaxed we have an opportunity to make sure the damage caused by the virus is only temporary. Keeping our streets clean is one small part of that.