Power cuts don’t happen very often but if the electricity network is damaged or develops a fault it’s the job of UK Power Networks to get the power back on. Their engineers work around the clock 24/7 to restore power as quickly as is safely possible. Being on their Priority Services Register will ensure you receive extra support if you experience a power cut.
People on the Priority Services Register get extra support during a power cut, including:
- A priority number that they can call 24 hours a day;
- Proactive text and voice message alerts, letting them know when we are aware of a large power cut in their area;
- In certain scenarios UK Power Networks may also offer a free hotel overnight and transport to the hotel, or complementary hot meals whilst the power cut is being fixed
There is absolutely no cost for being on the Priority Services Register, nor are there ever any charges for any of the free support residents will receive during a power cut. UK Power Networks will never sell anything to people on the register, and UK Power Networks incurs all costs for any additional support given during a power cut.
Residents can register if they, or a member of their household:
- Has a medical condition, mental or physical impairment or requires reasonable adjustments
- Is of pensionable age
- Has children under the age of 5 years
- Is struggling with mental health
- Is undergoing difficult circumstances such as bereavement, job loss, etc.
- Needs communications to be in a different language or format
People may also need support because of life-changing events such as bereavement, relationship breakdown, job loss, recovery from hospital treatment or living independently for the first time. If anyone is experiencing any of these circumstances, they can register to receive extra help on a temporary basis for as long as they need it.
Residents can sign up by visiting www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/councils, calling the free number 0800 169 9970 or sending an email to [email protected]
You can view more about PSR by clicking here or visiting www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk, clicking ‘power cuts’ and then ‘extra support during a power cut’.