Riddlesdown - I had what seemed like a very productive meeting with Council officers yesterday in relation to the flood alleviation plans for Lower Barn Road and Mitchley Avenue. Work was due to start in September but for various reasons, including a change in personnel, the work was due to commence in the first week of December subject to confirmation of funding which officers were due to process.
Less than an hour after our conversation the Council’s Finance Director filed a Section 114 notice which means that the Council is not able to balance it’s 2020/21 budget and all non-essential expenditure was to cease immediately.
It’s unclear whether the flood alleviation work will fall within essential business. The Council has received a grant for such work, however the money was not ring-fenced so may no longer be available. I will continue to work to gain clarity on this issue.
Purley Oaks - A Section 19 Flood Investigation is taking place in the Purley Oaks station area. This area has been flooding for at least 30 years. It appears that Network Rail installed a water storage tank in the area some years ago and the Council is seeking to determine exactly where it is and why it is not working effectively; it might just need to be cleaned out. This will take time and grant funding will need to be applied for, as well as requesting that Network Rail contribute to some of the cost.
Meanwhile, we do need to keep the gullies clear further up the hill, taking in Purley Oaks Road, Purley Downs Road and all the roads off them. Please don’t sweep or blow fallen leaves from your driveway, gardens, pavements into the gullies as this clogs the drains and prevents water entering the drainage system before it reaches Purley Oaks. At this time of year leaves are falling every day so I have asked that leaf fall be cleared in a regular basis.