Red Gables in Beech Avenue - 21/06145/FUL
The above application is one of the properties due for demolition for flats – a live application for three more blocks of flats on the site is currently with the council for decision. The grounds are immense and the woodland that surrounds the property is very beautiful. There are already two blocks of flats (Barrards Hall) built in the grounds of Red Gables and it is these residents who would be most impacted by any development.
It was good to meet with the developer and discuss those concerns which were in the main over parking, overlooking, access, size of the rooms, the shortage of three bedroom flats, wheelchair accessibility, removal of mature trees, noise from the pump and the separation between the actual blocks. Of course the cumulative impact of all these developments is of particular concern.
Residents in Sanderstead who want to down-size from larger properties want good quality, fair sized accommodation in which to live. Whilst the developer has gone some way to improve the scheme, the residents feel that there is a fair way to go to make the scheme acceptable. Their consensus was that there is still too much on the site – in other words an overdevelopment of the plot. We will have to await the Council’s decision.