I write with another periodic update of more recent good news on local planning matters. I have continued to work successfully with Mayor Jason Perry to safeguard the character of our area and protect family homes.
I know many residents share my view that, while some new flats are needed (especially for younger people trying to get on the property ladder for the first time) we should not be destroying family homes, which local families need, or changing the character of green suburbs like ours to build them. New flats are better suited to places like Croydon town centre, city centres and brownfield sites.
Local objections to over-development – including mine as our local MP and those of local Residents’ Associations and councillors as well as individual residents – continue to now be listened to under Croydon’s new planning approach, and applications to destroy family homes and replace them with blocks of flats are now almost always rejected after proper consideration.
For far too long in Croydon, the previous Labour Council used to just wave through nearly every application with barely a moment’s consideration. By granting indiscriminate planning applications, often destroying family homes and concreting over green spaces to make way for the over-intensive flats, they risked changing the green character of many neighbourhoods in our area and reduce the number of houses available for families.
Below is an update of some recent very positive planning decisions, where inappropriate applications have been declined.
For a variety of reasons, these proposals were clearly inappropriate for these sites in our local neighbourhoods and I shared residents’ concerns about them, so I am pleased to see that all of these applications have been refused.
I remain delighted to see planning decisions in Croydon now being made properly, only after careful consideration, and with respect for the character of our local areas.
Rt Hon Chris Philp MP
Member of Parliament for Croydon South
Coulsdon Town:
132 St Andrews Road, Coulsdon, CR5 3HE (24/01311/FUL)
Proposed loss of family home through conversion into three flats. Refused due to providing poor quality and substandard living accommodation with limited useable floorspace.
Result: Refused permission
142 Old Lodge Lane, Kenley, CR8 4DH (24/01876/FUL)
Proposed destruction of a family home to build seven flats. Refused due to the loss of a family home for which there is an identified need, and due to its bulk and scale, would represent an overbearing overdevelopment of the site, be cramped, visually intrusive and out of keeping, as well as provide poor quality and substandard living accommodation.
Result: Refused permission
Purley and Woodcote:
38 Smitham Bottom Lane, Purley, CR8 3DA (24/01498/FUL)
Proposed squeezing in a block of nine flats. Refused due to its size, providing sub-standard accommodation, being detrimental to neighbours with intrusion, noise and disturbance, and would have issues with parking and rubbish.
Result: Refused permission
Purley Oaks and Riddlesdown:
79 Riddlesdown Road, Riddlesdown, CR8 1DH (24/02793/FUL)
Proposed destruction of a family home to build five flats. Refused due to its scale and overbearing appearance causing harm to neighbours’ living conditions, providing a poor car parking layout and failing to demonstrate how it would deliver acceptable quality accommodation.
Result: Refused permission
South Croydon:
20A Coombe Road, South Croydon, CR0 1BP (24/02335/FUL)
Retrospective planning application for the loss of a family home into two flats, with two-storey extension and destruction of a garage. Refused due to its size, scale and proximity to neighbours resulting in detrimental harm, as well as failing to preserve the character and appearance of both the home and the Conservation Area.
Result: Refused retrospective permission