A resident on Cane Hill has contacted me to seek assistance on improving the lighting situation in the area, in particular on Chaucer Gardens.
As you can see from the still of a video he sent to me, it's quite clearly extremely dark on this secluded dead end on the estate.
Cane Hill is not adopted by the Council, so I have contacted Chamonix who look after the site to ask them to intervene. I've also forwarded on the concerns to the local Safer Neighbourhood Team so they are aware of the request. On a quiet road like this, in the dark, it's potentially extremely tempting for those intent on criminality.
UPDATE - 16th April 2021
I'm grateful to the local police for endorsing my calls that the lighting be fixed ASAP. Today Barratt David Wilson Homes has confirmed that the works to restore the lighting to Chaucer Gardens should be completed by 7th May.