Residents are concerned about large vans parking at the junction of Hilton Way and Limpsfield Road. I have asked officers to investigate the possible introduction of yellow lines on the junction of Hilton Way and the Limpsfield Road. It is difficult for motorists to navigate past the vehicles and see clearly whilst attempting to join the Limpsfield Road. As you can see the council has limited resource so we could be waiting a while for any introduction.
This is the officers response:
I have flagged potential double yellow line waiting restrictions at this junction to be introduced a minimum of 10 metres (2 car lengths) into Hilton Way. I’m not aware of a particular issue at this junction but ideally there should be restrictions here as well as most junctions where parking could take place. Please bear with us as we have over 200 locations to investigate for potential restrictions but very limited resources, so it could be a year or more before we would be in a position to progress.
Fortunately Hilton Way is wider than the standard width at around 8 metres wide, as opposed to 7.3 metres for most roads, and larger vehicles should be able to negotiate the road even with 2 vans parked opposite each other. However, yellow lines should help access and safety at this junction and this will be progressed when we are able to do so.
Vehicles parking within 10 metres of a junction are potentially at risk of receiving enforcement action from the Metropolitan Police as indicated in the Highway Code. Unfortunately the Police have limited resources to deal with dangerous or obstructive parking and very rarely enforce this rule and are more likely to request that the local authority takes action.