I have sent in my objection to an incredibly large development that's planned in place of the family home currently standing at 116 Reddown Road.
The planning documents say they intend to knock down this lovely property and erect:
3 and 4 storey blocks, containing 3 x 4 bedroom terraced Houses and 2 x 1-bedroom, 3 x 2 bedroom , 4 x 3 bedroom and 1 x 4 bedroom Apartments in total 13 Units with associated access, 13 parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store
You can see from the pictures above that the planning application:
- is concreting over precious green space at a time when we need gardens for our mental and physical health
- it's much taller and larger than neighbouring properties - a significant overdevelopment of the site
- it's design is out of keeping with the locality - a trend that once started will totally change the character of the area
- local residents are concerned about the loss of privacy, with floors being higher than theirs it means windows overlook their properties
- there are just too few parking spaces for the number of properties, let alone the number of adults who are likely to reside within them. This means greater congestion on residential streets and traffic on our roads.
If you agree with you local councillors that this is not an appropriate development for the road, then please send your comments in using the Planning Portal or by emailing [email protected] citing reference 20/05076/FUL. You can view all the submitted paperwork including all the floorplans on the Council's website.
As a local councillor, I have requested that this application be referred to the committee for their consideration and I've asked that they reject it for the above reasons. But the more people who object using sound reasoning, the more likely it is that the Labour-dominated Planning Committee will listen. So please spread the word, and encourage as many of your friends and neighbours to object as possible.
We need more houses in Croydon - but we don't need more flats. We have a shortage of good quality family homes with access to a garden, we have a glut of flats. We should not be demolishing those types of property that we need in pursuit of making a quick buck. Current and future generations in Croydon deserve better than that.