Demolition of single-family dwellinghouse and erection of 1x 3-storey block, containing 4x 3-bedroom, 3x 2-bedroom and 2x 1-bedroom flats with associated access, car parking, cycle and refuse storage
37 Kingswood Lane Warlingham CR6 9AB
You may be aware of the above planning application for Kingswood Lane. The application is being heard by the Planning Committee on: Thursday 25 March. The meeting starts at 6.30pm and will be held virtually.
In essence my concerns are:
- The proposal for 9 units spread over three storeys would be a significant overdevelopment of this site due to its height, size, footprint, bulk and massing
- The proposed scheme would be significantly higher than the adjacent one/two storey properties and would be detrimental to the streetscene
- The massing effect of the proposed block of flats would be out of keeping with the neighbouring detached houses and bungalows and would be detrimental to the green and open character and semi-rural appearance of the local area.
- Detrimental impact on adjoining occupiers due to overlooking, overbearing impact and loss of privacy
- Concreting over of garden space so close to the ancient woodland at Kings Wood – and the loss of mature trees and vegetation and natural habitat for local wildlife
- Increased flood risk to properties north west of the scheme in Audley Drive and Harewood Gardens
If you share my concerns and haven’t commented to date then you can still do so up until the decision date via the Council’s website at https://new.croydon.gov.uk/planning-and-regeneration/planning/comment-or-object-planning-application