I've posted before about the consultation event at Old Lodge Lane Community Hub on 20th April and wanted to provide a brief report of the drop-in which was well attended with plenty of people commenting on the plans.
Officer from the Council's Spatial Planning Service were on-hand to outline how this project was an aspect of the wider Connecting Kenley Programme, funded by the GLA's Good Growth Fund. The team displayed maps and discussed improvement options across Kenley in terms of public realm improvements such as wayfinding and murals, and attendees were able to pop their suggestions on post-it notes.
The next set of board displayed the area outside of the parade of shops and people were able to say what they would like to see there, with another set of board giving some inspirational options.
The Officer team will collate the responses to the consultation and present them in May at the next meeting of the Kenley Community Advisory Group, before submitting the ideas to the GLA.
It was good to attend the drop-in and its exciting to at see, at long last, the improvements to Kenley within the Connecting Kenley Programme. I'll provide an update of other aspects of the Connecting Kenley Programme following the Advisory Group meeting.