Last week was another busy week as Croydon continued to celebrate its year as the London Borough of Culture. On Tuesday 3rd October it was a joy to join with Mayor Perry and Cllr. Kolade to celebrate the launch of Black History 365. I hope the photos of me dancing using the 360° camera never see the light of day, as they may require a health warning !!!
The surprise announcement was the new partnership between the Croydon BME Forum and Amro Partners which will allow BH365 to continue until 2024. A real example of partnership working and the Borough of Culture building legacy into the future.
On Saturday (7th Oct) it was a real pleasure to spend time enjoying the Library Festival at Croydon’s Central Library. It was inspirational to meet so many talented local authors and to hand out prizes to the young people who had completed the summer reading challenge. To keep up with all the events that are making up our year as the Borough of Culture please visit