Please take note of the Friends of Purley Beeches Work Party - Saturday, 10 July 10 am. Plus a BBQ
Yes! We are going to end this month’s work party with our traditional BBQ. Last year we had to make do with a socially distanced picnic, but let’s go for a socially distanced BBQ this year. A reminder to all our new helpers how it works; you bring sausages, burgers, salad etc. and the cooking facility will be in place to cook it. We work until about 12.30 and then the cooking commences, fingers crossed for good weather.
Before I start detailing what needs to be done at this work party, Jean Hain, who heads up the Friends of Wettern Tree Gardens, has asked me include the following: -
"A very big 'THANK YOU' from the Friends of the Wettern Tree Garden for your willing and magnificent help in the Rose Garden and in the Delphinium Bed on Saturday, 12th June. You made it a successful and enjoyable occasion and without you WTG would be in an even greater pickle."
There are couple of tree related jobs that Jean would like a hand with on the 10th which shouldn’t take too long, but with all the recent rain, our paths and planting areas definitely need attending too, particularly our last planting site where there is some substantial growth that will require cutting back before it gets the upper hand. There is also some recently fallen branches that need cutting up and removing. Shears, secateurs, sickles and loppers are the tools of choice.
Please bring your own tools if you have them and additionally, hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes, however FoPB tools and sanitising stuff will be available from the Green Room which will be our base before moving on to WTG and our various work sites. Before using and when finished with your own, or a FoPB tool, wipe it thoroughly and sanitise your hands, we must still do everything to remain safe.
Come at any time to suit between 10am to 1pm, don’t forget to wear sturdy footwear and bramble resistant clothes and even more importantly food for the BBQ and a bottle of pop! Signs will guide the way from the Beech Avenue entrance to the Green Room. The BBQ will be held in the recess half way up, on the right side of the green.
For latest information check out our new website;
Email; [email protected]