A mindless idiot sprayed some green graffiti on the Higher Drive Railway bridge earlier this week. I tried to report it via the LoveCleanstreets app in the usual way but found that this facility has been withdrawn from the application. It turns out the Graffiti removal team have all lost their jobs recently due to the Labour Council's serious financial mismanagement. Cllr Muhammad Ali who is the Cabinet Member for the Environment announced recently that racist and other abusive graffiti will be "prioritised", which I suspect is code for saying that all other graffiti will be ignored.
A few days after the original spray, the same or a different "artist" returned to spray an offensive phrase on top of the original graffiti, so I've tried again to report it. There's now a new online reporting form for offensive graffiti only, but its location is a well-kept secret! It's here:
I look forward to seeing if/when it ever gets dealt with.. meanwhile the rest of Purley's & Croydon's graffiti is left untouched. .. shameful