I was pleased to attend the crocus planting event at Sanderstead pond with Mayor Perry and Cllr Lynne Hale and members of Rotary clubs and The Sanderstead Horticultural Society. I look forward to seeing the splash of colour in the spring.
Rotary clubs help to plant millions of purple crocuses every year to raise awareness for efforts to end polio. Crocus Corms – Purple4Polio – Our Projects – Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland (rotarygbi.org) The money paid for the corms is being donated to the “End Polio Now” campaign that Rotary has been working on since 1985, when there were over 500 thousand cases of Polio a year. In 2021 there was only 2 cases recorded but unfortunately it has now risen to 27 in the UK. Raising awareness will assist in sharing the message that children below 9 years old should be checked, and if necessary, have a vaccine jab. World Polio Day is October 24.