I received notification this week that Coombe Road will be resurfaced - I've spoken to council officers about the overlapping emergency gas works and have been assured it will be co-ordinated.
Information as follows: If you have any concerns please do let me know.
"We are writing to inform you that Croydon’s Highways team together with its principal contractor FM Conway, will shortly be commencing resurfacing works on the above road. These works are scheduled to commence on 20TH- 21ST January 2022. With gully cleansing taking place on the 22nd January 2022. Due to the locations and nature of these works, it is inevitable that some disruption will occur, these works are being scheduled to be carried out between 20:00-05:00. If you need vehicular access during the above period it may be advisable to find an alternative and allow additional time for your journey.
Furthermore, to enable the works to be completed with the least inconvenience to the residents. Traffic management plans are available on request, to illustrate these works according to the councils' specifications. Croydon’s Highways team wishes to apologize in advance and welcomes your co-operation to ensure the work is executed safely and efficiently. Every effort will be made to minimise the inconvenience that may be caused during the works.
In view of these works, residents and businesses in the vicinity have been notified with a letter drop notification (attached). In the meantime, if you require any further clarifications or details about these works do not hesitate to contact me.2