I spoke at the recent planning committee to object to the application to demolish the beautiful house at 18 Brambledown Road which would have been replaced by what effectively would have been a four-storey building comprising of 7 flats, provision of an additional crossover, to include 5 parking spaces, refuse store, cycle parking and landscaping.
In short, my main reason for objection was it "was just too big" and as a result was "over dominant on the plot towering over the adjacent property by reason of its size and massing" and as a result there was not really enough amenity space or parking on site. The sheer size would have been extremely impactful on the neighbouring occupants.
On a positive note, the quality of the materials used, and window fenestration was good, but I think largely because of its size it appeared out of character with the standard size Victorian and Edwardian properties which adorn the street and surrounds.
Another key factor was parking. The survey was done during COVID at night and was not consistent with the daily commuter parking or activity in the street. 29 people living in the property trying to park in already busy roads and visitors fighting for spaces on a busy corner of the plot in my opinion would have been a recipe for disaster.
I am grateful for the Conservative planning committee members who voted against this over development. Sadly Labour councillors as usual voted for the application.