Application 20/01061/OUT - 1 Sandhurst Way, South Croydon, CR2 0AH
Many of you will know that I referred this application on the basis of its overdevelopment and over dominance of the building in this lovely residential street. This would be completely out of character in this area and the cramped layout would add nothing to the living arrangements for incoming occupants. You will see that the officers have agreed with me and I am delighted that the application has been refused by the council. I have included the full report with the policy reasons.
1. SUMMARY 1.1 This report concerns an: Application for outline planning permission for: Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing two storey detached dwelling house (including garages) and erection of a part three, part four storey building comprising 13 self-contained flats, car parking, reinstatement of two vehicular crossovers along Sandhurst Way and new crossover along West Hill, cycle and refuse provision, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment; communal/amenity/play space and external alterations (Access, Layout and Scale only).
2. DECISION Permission Refused Reason(s) for refusal :- 1 The proposed development, by reason of its combined layout, height, depth, width, scale and overall design including lack of character analysis would result in an excessive and contrived form of development that would appear dominant, disproportionate, incoherent, incongruous, visually intrusive and overbearing to the detriment of the form, proportion and appearance of the site, visual amenities from the neighbouring properties, street scene and general character and appearance of the area. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies 7.4, and 7.6 of the London Plan (2016), Policies D1 and D2 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP4 and DM10 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 2 The proposed development, by reason of its narrow and cramped layout and access, narrow crossover, lack of visibility and manoeuvring space and sub-standard cycle and refuse storage would result in a detrimental impact to highway safety and pedestrian/occupier conditions of the area. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies 6.11, 6.12, 6.13 of the London Plan (2016), Policies T5, T6 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP8 and DM29, DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 3 The proposed development, by reason of its convoluted layout, single aspect units, northern siting of some units and poor arrangements would result in an unacceptable quality of living accommodation for future occupiers. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy 3.5 of the London Plan (2016), Policies D2 and D4 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP4 and DM10 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 4 The proposed development, by reason of the removal/works to high quality trees, lack of information/consideration with neighbouring and street trees and insufficient information on Ecological Grounds would raise substantial impacts to the health of these high quality on-site and neighbouring/street trees and protected species. It has not been demonstrated that the harm would be further mitigated. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies 7.19 and 7.21 of the London Plan (2016), Policy G6 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP4, SP7, DM10, DM27 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 5 The proposed development, by reason of the absence of an acceptable drainage strategy would pose a threat towards future flood risk. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies 5.12, 5.13 of the London Plan (2016), Policies SI12, SI13 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP6, DM10, DM25 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 6 In the absence of a legal agreement securing Affordable housing, Local Employment and Training Strategy, Air Quality, Carbon Offsetting, Highway obligations and Financial Contributions the proposal would be contrary to Policies 2.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 of the London Plan (2016), Policy H5 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP2, DM1, SP3.14, SP6.3 and DM29 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019). 7 The proposed development would fail to provide a sufficient amount of family accommodation and would thereby conflict with Policy 3.8 of the London Plan (2016), Policy DM1.1 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance to the London Plan (March 2016) In reaching this decision the Local Planning Authority has sought to work in a positive and pro-active manner based on seeking solutions to problems in the following way: To assist applicants the Local Planning Authority has produced policies and written guidance, all of which is available on the Council's website and offers a pre planning application advice service. In this instance the pre application advice was not adhered to. The Council is ready to enter into discussions with the applicants to assist in the preparation of a new planning application. The Local Planning Authority delivered the decision in a timely manner.